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Phone: (209) 340-3436 (new as of 10/23/23)

The Stanislaus Senior Foundation is a charitable organization founded in 2008 that focuses on enhancing the lives of the senior population.

By continuously 

advocating  for vulnerable seniors as well as raise funds to provide needed goods and services, the Foundation helps 

enhance their safety and  well-being.

In addition, the Foundation has supported local agencies with funding used to keep seniors safe in their homes. These include purchase and installation of numerous utility ramps for seniors,  fire alarms, security locks, heating, plumbing and flooring repairs. All of these very basic changes and additions have served to maintain the recipient seniors safely and much more securely in the homes they love. 

The Foundation believes that charitable giving should begin at the local level. Seniors are the most underserved, undervalued and most vulnerable population.  The funds generously donated will help them in a very real way to stay safe and live in relative security as noted in the video of Rev.Michael Douglass, President and CEO of Advancing Vibrant Communities. Advancing Vibrant Communities was awarded $5000.00 in 2018 to  defray the costs of in-home construction services which includes the installation of safety equipment (safety bars, minor repairs involving safety issues and ramps).


I am writing to give heartfelt gratitude for rental assistance. I encourage you (Stanislaus Senior Foundation) to continue to provide seniors with dignity and stability during unexpected poverty and humility.

Diana Kaysen (emergency assistance recipient)

© 2017 by Stanislaus Senior Foundation.


Proudly Serving the Seniors of Stanislaus County

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